Speaking Engagements & Workshops

Kristen is passionate about connecting with professionals around manifestation and actualization. Within the Trust Your Magic™ brand, she created the workshop series Blessed, Booked and Busy in 2018 to support professionals and emerging entrepreneurs with becoming 6 figure-plus earners.

She also speaks on the following topics for various organizations and corporate clients

Key Topics include, but are not limited to:

Nail Your Negotiations
Interview With Confidence
Unlock Your Specialty
Activate Joy and Balance
Build Community and Lasting Connections
Secure Consistent Contracts

“Kristen Carter is a real-life blessing. Her “Blessed, Booked, and Busy” workshop was a timely and essential turning point in my career and life. Kristen has a unique way of helping guide and pulls out the attributes in professionals while assisting them in acknowledging and working on their shortcomings. Throughout the workshop, we professionals of all walks were paired and we could learn from one another. As an entertainment industry executive, it is not uncommon to second guess or even wonder if your path is truly your path based on the challenges you face almost daily. However, Kristen’s workshop helped affirm that I am on the right path and helped me identify my value in the space. Kristen and her work propelled me forward.”

-Joseph Williams, Owner / Chief Creative Officer of The Carnell Agency

“I attended Kristen’s “Actualizing Your Excellence” workshop and it was a transformative experience. Entertainment is such a fast-paced industry that, at times, you forget to stop and remind yourself of your greatness. Kristen reminded us how important it is to do this so that you never forget what you bring to the table. In this workshop, Kristen helped us create action items around this concept while also teaching valuable negotiation skills. The takeaway was invaluable!”

-Angela Dugan, VP of Development and Programming at Kingdom Reign Entertainment

“I have been following Kristen’s Blessed, Booked, and Busy Workshop since its inception! She has provided a wonderful resource that has helped me negotiate better deals, fine tool my skill set, and open up myself to opportunities that I might have otherwise overlooked. Kristen is also such a knowledgeable industry insider who has your best interests at heart and genuinely wants to see everyone win. I would highly recommend anyone who is trying to shift their perspective on their career, meet some amazing individuals, or just needs a boost in the right direction to attend these workshops. They are incredibly beneficial!”

-Dreux Dougall, Writer-Producer / Owner of Writeher Consultancy

“Professionally and personally, I started to stretch myself beyond my mental capacity. Being a caregiver to my mother, helping my daughter with her journey into motherhood, managing my household, and maintaining my grade in my Graduate program became taxing on my mental health.  But after I attended the “Blessed, Booked, and Busy” workshop, while engaging with others in breakout sessions, I was reminded that my ability to take care of others is because I was able to take care of myself first. This is what makes me successful!! I look forward to attending the next workshop to receive more words of encouragement, reminders, and support.”

-Tiffany Kelly, Risk & Operations Administrator


Contact Kristen & Her Team Today!
